
NYS – Not sure what to do about a boss who makes racial & sexual jokes among other issues including an injury. I don’t feel comfortable with my job environment anymore. Do I have rights?

I work for a big retail establishment. I know NYS is at-will employment and I can be fired as well quit at anytime. I'm not sure how to handle my situation. Since working there for a few months, I enjoyed my job and respected everyone. I've always been on time, diligent, asked questions to learn, helped coworkers with questions /tasks even though I was newer and worked hard To try and make this short with my problems, My manager enjoys making racial jokes to me knowing since I moved here, It was something I experienced commonly with the locals since theirs no diversity here. He'll also make sexual jokes like if you call them over he'll say something along the lines of “Are you coming on to me?” This man has apparently been reported in the past but never fired. I expressed my interest in quitting to a supervisor and…

I work for a big retail establishment. I know NYS is at-will employment and I can be fired as well quit at anytime. I'm not sure how to handle my situation.

Since working there for a few months, I enjoyed my job and respected everyone. I've always been on time, diligent, asked questions to learn, helped coworkers with questions /tasks even though I was newer and worked hard

To try and make this short with my problems,

My manager enjoys making racial jokes to me knowing since I moved here, It was something I experienced commonly with the locals since theirs no diversity here.

He'll also make sexual jokes like if you call them over he'll say something along the lines of “Are you coming on to me?”

This man has apparently been reported in the past but never fired.

I expressed my interest in quitting to a supervisor and he texted the management.

I was sat down and asked why I was interested in leaving.

I explained how if I had questions about something, I felt like I was ignored or annoying at times though they were important like safety issues. How every meeting we had was always negative with threats of being sent home, threats of written up, and how 5 people were going to be fired in the new year. How If I had a question about something uncertainty cause I didn't know company policy being new, I didn't appreciate being told it was “common sense” when I've been told contradictory statements in the past.

I also explained how I hurt myself and did mention it to staff but at the time, however it wasn't a big deal but progressively, it was getting worse. I expressed my limitations prior to speaking with the manager to my supervisors and was told “just do what you can” but I was still lifting & pushing heavy. I wasn't making a big deal out of it, just wanted it to be realized and I'll still do my best but just to please be understanding

He immediately shut down the conversation saying he was never going to change and our team was the best, how if I did leave he would take it personal, how people have bought braces for $10 and were “snowflakes” since they didn't have to work hard & milk it. Instead of it being a civil conversation, he grabbed a paper and said he was going to rip into the supervisors. Which isn't what I was trying to do or the point.

He stated how he knew I was a “cool guy” cause I never reported his jokes and appreciated it as a friend. How he shouldn't play favorites but he honored my day off while he denied everyone else.

He asked me why an accident report wasn't filed and I explained I didn't know the policy. At the time, I did say something but I didn't cry or make a big deal about it because I didn't know it would get worst. All I asked for was to lay off doing heavy lifting / pushing since it's been a few weeks and it doesn't feel like it's healing.

He explained how this isn't the city and how he's stopped making racial jokes. I guess it was his way of “testing” my demeanor and he says how we're family. At the same time, it feels like he's gaslighting me and trying to justify himself.

If I ever need anything, he'll take care of it. But after our conversation, I can't take him serious and feel that he's unprofessional.

After being on “light duty”, I can't even ask coworkers for help cause of my injury and been told “stop acting like a girl about it” and been yelled/cursed at by another (they're mentally disabled so I've been more understanding for that outlash)

My supervisors sat me down a week later and felt like a good cop, bad cop scenario and they were more so protecting themselves cause a work accident report was never filed.

At this point, I don't feel comfortable at work being alienated & ostracized for not being from the town, I don't feel comfortable utilizing open door policy due to it not truly being open door and the managers professionalism, and feeling like I'm being targeted/judged cause I got hurt on the job though no one's documented it.

I'm not sure If I how I feel is me being sensitive & it's frivolous or if I how I feel is normal

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