
Occupational health is important in hospitals…but this questionnaire skeeves me out

I got an offer for a non-clinical job with a local health system so I'm starting all the paperwork and have an occupational health physical coming up. Now, I totally understand needing to know if you have epilepsy or something that might cause a medical emergency during work hours… But some of the questions are unnecessary. One of the things under the “do you have or have you ever had one of these conditions listed?” is “skin trouble”, “nervous breakdown”, “psychiatric treatment or counseling”. They also want to know if you're undergoing treatment by any type of healthcare professional. Yes, they want to know if you're seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist and they want their information. Again, I understand up to a point, but it's kinda fucked up that they'd want someone to hand over private information like that. And if I were under the care of a psychologist, I…

I got an offer for a non-clinical job with a local health system so I'm starting all the paperwork and have an occupational health physical coming up. Now, I totally understand needing to know if you have epilepsy or something that might cause a medical emergency during work hours… But some of the questions are unnecessary.

One of the things under the “do you have or have you ever had one of these conditions listed?” is “skin trouble”, “nervous breakdown”, “psychiatric treatment or counseling”. They also want to know if you're undergoing treatment by any type of healthcare professional. Yes, they want to know if you're seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist and they want their information.

Again, I understand up to a point, but it's kinda fucked up that they'd want someone to hand over private information like that. And if I were under the care of a psychologist, I absolutely would not provide their contact information.

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