
Offer not being honored 3 months in, but don’t worry, we got free lunch today.

I started in a finance position this summer where we spend the first 3-6 months switching between learning calls, and working in passing the SiE, 7, and 63. We are expected to be in office despite the company being hybrid. We were told last week, in hush hush one on ones with a small “this is confidential”, that our offer letters that promise a raise from 22/23 an hour to 25/26 and hour, were wrong because of the third party recruiters messing up. Now instead we will only be bumped to 24 and hour, and they will give us a small lump sum to placate us. 24 an hour is not livable wage in my area. I’m spending 200 a month in gas to get to the office when I could easily study at home and save that gas money. We only have 30 min lunches so you can’t leave…

I started in a finance position this summer where we spend the first 3-6 months switching between learning calls, and working in passing the SiE, 7, and 63.

We are expected to be in office despite the company being hybrid.

We were told last week, in hush hush one on ones with a small “this is confidential”, that our offer letters that promise a raise from 22/23 an hour to 25/26 and hour, were wrong because of the third party recruiters messing up. Now instead we will only be bumped to 24 and hour, and they will give us a small lump sum to placate us.

24 an hour is not livable wage in my area. I’m spending 200 a month in gas to get to the office when I could easily study at home and save that gas money. We only have 30 min lunches so you can’t leave the office, and they removed the gym.

I am applying desperately to anything and everything that is remote or closer to my living space, But I am barely able to survive on my wage now, and my expected budget for after licensing is now completely different. I can’t survive like this. I hate my office with extreme passion.

Oh and I had a full on breakdown with suicidal ideation and had to start meds to manage it because I can’t affford to take care of myself so I can’t leave this job.

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