
Offered a Job, Pay is Below Average. Looking for Advice

I was laid off from my engineering job six months ago and have been interviewing a lot with basically no offerers. Things were very slow around the holidays. I’ve had money saved up so being out of work didn’t hurt me financially. However I’d like more stability in my long term. I received an offer from a job today as a validation engineer. I’ve done this kind of work before. They offered me $65,000 in the offer letter. But.. I distinctly recall saying I’d only go as low as $80,000 in the interview. That was the top end of their budget as I recall. Ohio average for this role is $82,000 and I’ve got solid experience. I think turning down the job would be a mistake and I can use it to bridge the gap until I get better pay somewhere else. However I won’t accept that low of an…

I was laid off from my engineering job six months ago and have been interviewing a lot with basically no offerers. Things were very slow around the holidays. I’ve had money saved up so being out of work didn’t hurt me financially.

However I’d like more stability in my long term. I received an offer from a job today as a validation engineer. I’ve done this kind of work before. They offered me $65,000 in the offer letter. But.. I distinctly recall saying I’d only go as low as $80,000 in the interview. That was the top end of their budget as I recall.

Ohio average for this role is $82,000 and I’ve got solid experience. I think turning down the job would be a mistake and I can use it to bridge the gap until I get better pay somewhere else. However I won’t accept that low of an offer. That’s entry level money for kids out of school and I have 7 years experience.

What’s some advice I can use to negotiate and not blow the deal here? I’m thinking use straight facts on average compensation and proven experience in the work to bump it up.

And remember in the replies, we are all workers and should stand united to improve ALL of our situations.

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