
Offered a promotion, new boss rescinded offer and gave it to someone else. Advice?

My boss offered me a promotion and shortly after took another role in the company. His replacement retracted my offer and is giving it to someone else “with more experience.” I have proof of the offer in workday, but nothing was ever officially pushed forward. Now my application is “no longer in consideration.” I have a meeting with HR next week about it. Has something similar happened to you? Do I even have a fight in this? What should I take into my meeting with HR? Any advice would be helpful and appreciated.

My boss offered me a promotion and shortly after took another role in the company. His replacement retracted my offer and is giving it to someone else “with more experience.”

I have proof of the offer in workday, but nothing was ever officially pushed forward. Now my application is “no longer in consideration.” I have a meeting with HR next week about it.

Has something similar happened to you? Do I even have a fight in this? What should I take into my meeting with HR? Any advice would be helpful and appreciated.

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