
Office Birthdays

I'm on a leave because my dad passed away. One thing that was really driving me nuts was the in office birthdays and whatnot. I have signed so many cards for people I don't know and then been forced to sing Happy Birthday and then decorate their desk with the same decorations we usee for every desk and as soon as they see the desk decorated they take it down. Work is work. We aren't friends. No one said shit to me about my dad passing. So I don't know why I'm made to care about people personally all the time.

I'm on a leave because my dad passed away. One thing that was really driving me nuts was the in office birthdays and whatnot. I have signed so many cards for people I don't know and then been forced to sing Happy Birthday and then decorate their desk with the same decorations we usee for every desk and as soon as they see the desk decorated they take it down. Work is work. We aren't friends. No one said shit to me about my dad passing. So I don't know why I'm made to care about people personally all the time.

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