
“Oh just get a job. If you can’t find one then you’re useless or lazy”

There’s two types of people. One that has worked his knuckles to the bone to achieve success or the other one that’s privileged. He has success handed to him on a silver platter. They both have one thing in common. They’re out of touch with reality as they just tell you to your face “get a job you bum, it ain’t that hard”. I was prior service and i got into an argument with someone who didn’t support the military telling me that “if you can’t find a real job then there’s something wrong with you”. He says this to denigrate people who join for social safety net. Is it common for people to blame poor or lower class for everything? Tell them that they’re lazy and looking for handouts? Where’s this misplaced hatred coming from? It’s easy to say “finding a job is easy” or “you need to work…

There’s two types of people. One that has worked his knuckles to the bone to achieve success or the other one that’s privileged. He has success handed to him on a silver platter. They both have one thing in common. They’re out of touch with reality as they just tell you to your face “get a job you bum, it ain’t that hard”. I was prior service and i got into an argument with someone who didn’t support the military telling me that “if you can’t find a real job then there’s something wrong with you”. He says this to denigrate people who join for social safety net. Is it common for people to blame poor or lower class for everything? Tell them that they’re lazy and looking for handouts? Where’s this misplaced hatred coming from? It’s easy to say “finding a job is easy” or “you need to work harder” when you reached the top. Then have the nerve to shit on us.

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