
“Oh, look at you leaving work right on time”

This is just a rant. I remember working my first IT job at a mid size office. Had this one co worker who was just literally mad at life. Dude was terrible to be around- extremely bad attitude and was always passive aggressive. First time I met him he barely acknowledged me. I would leave at 6pm every day. That's the time I got off and he would always say something sarcastic like “Right on time I see” or 'Never late to leave”. Very smug about it you know? Well fuck face, I don't get paid extra to stay 10-15 mins later to twiddle my thumbs. I don't wanna end up like you. Mad at the world constantly pissing and moaning. Fast forward. He got a temper tantrum with our boss. Ripped off his employee provided shirt and left on the spot yelling and ranting. (Rightfully so since our boss…

This is just a rant. I remember working my first IT job at a mid size office. Had this one co worker who was just literally mad at life. Dude was terrible to be around- extremely bad attitude and was always passive aggressive. First time I met him he barely acknowledged me. I would leave at 6pm every day. That's the time I got off and he would always say something sarcastic like “Right on time I see” or 'Never late to leave”. Very smug about it you know? Well fuck face, I don't get paid extra to stay 10-15 mins later to twiddle my thumbs. I don't wanna end up like you. Mad at the world constantly pissing and moaning. Fast forward. He got a temper tantrum with our boss. Ripped off his employee provided shirt and left on the spot yelling and ranting. (Rightfully so since our boss was a prick) but it reminded me that he shit opinion didn't matter since he doesn't pay my check. Never gonna shame me for leaving on time. Fuck you, pay me for extra time to stay then.

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