

I sure can't wait to go to work and make less than enough money to support myself and live on my own. Feels awesome to work somewhere where they dangle benefits you'll never be able to get because they'll never give you enough hours to get them in your face like it's some sort of highly coveted holy grail that will make your job worth while. Love being told my job is at risk because I'm not doing it fast enough and being expected to pretend like it's not a worthless, soul crushing job that should be completely replaced with robotic labor. Fucking love living in a waking nightmare and needing to pretend to give a fuck because other people don't want to be reminded that this is all futile and nothing good will come of anything. Rev up those anti-depressants cause I sure want to fucking die right now.

I sure can't wait to go to work and make less than enough money to support myself and live on my own. Feels awesome to work somewhere where they dangle benefits you'll never be able to get because they'll never give you enough hours to get them in your face like it's some sort of highly coveted holy grail that will make your job worth while. Love being told my job is at risk because I'm not doing it fast enough and being expected to pretend like it's not a worthless, soul crushing job that should be completely replaced with robotic labor. Fucking love living in a waking nightmare and needing to pretend to give a fuck because other people don't want to be reminded that this is all futile and nothing good will come of anything. Rev up those anti-depressants cause I sure want to fucking die right now.

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