
Okay, what sounds like a better reason to bail on one of the office holiday outings?

Many of you know, tis’ the time of year for these office holiday party things. I actually don’t mind them too much, if they’re simple. I.e. dinner out where you can bring your spouse/kids, whatever. Or catered lunch. Our office is doing way too much! I have to meet everyone for breakfast, then we break off and go shopping, then we meet back up for lunch, finished with a casino that is a half an hour a way. I don’t mind the breakfast, shopping, lunch. It’s all in one shopping center. But I DO NOT want to drive 20 miles to go to a casino when I don’t even like gambling. Like…at all. I’d much rather just go home after the late lunch. The casino isn’t really a requirement. But, you know how these things are. If you don’t participate in even the “not required” parts, it makes it look…

Many of you know, tis’ the time of year for these office holiday party things. I actually don’t mind them too much, if they’re simple. I.e. dinner out where you can bring your spouse/kids, whatever. Or catered lunch.

Our office is doing way too much! I have to meet everyone for breakfast, then we break off and go shopping, then we meet back up for lunch, finished with a casino that is a half an hour a way. I don’t mind the breakfast, shopping, lunch. It’s all in one shopping center. But I DO NOT want to drive 20 miles to go to a casino when I don’t even like gambling. Like…at all. I’d much rather just go home after the late lunch.

The casino isn’t really a requirement. But, you know how these things are. If you don’t participate in even the “not required” parts, it makes it look like you are “not a team player.”

So I thought. What if, on my way to the casino my stomach starts doing flips and I need to head home? (Believable as I do have a highly sensitive stomach and we will be eating rich food beforehand.) Or, my car is making weird noises and I don’t want to drive far with it like that. Again, believable because my car does have this issue with burning oil (Kia) and it’s getting to be that time to change her oil with a cleaning agent. And it’s about the time when she starts getting a little fitful.

So which one? Or if you have better ideas. And please no “just go.” I’ve already decided I do not want to go to a casino a half an hour away. Especially when I do not like gambling whatsoever. This supposed to be an “anti work” sub. So l assume I’m in the right place for this.

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