
Old boss is claiming I only worked for her to ultimately receive unemployment benefits

I had filed for unemployment benefits under a previous employer. Obviously, she claimed I was fired due to “misconduct” and I’ve had to appeal my case. Today I received her letter to the appeals branch claiming I only worked for her in order to receive unemployment benefits and that I was (and still am) taking advantage of her “kindness.” I’m disgusted I worked for someone so egotistical, but then again, she is an attorney.

I had filed for unemployment benefits under a previous employer. Obviously, she claimed I was fired due to “misconduct” and I’ve had to appeal my case. Today I received her letter to the appeals branch claiming I only worked for her in order to receive unemployment benefits and that I was (and still am) taking advantage of her “kindness.” I’m disgusted I worked for someone so egotistical, but then again, she is an attorney.

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