
Old company with insane turnover rate got a “best place to work” award

I worked for this company over the course of seven months, and during this time, probably about 75% of the staff quit. This was one of those companies that consider everyone a “family” but has absolutely no HR. Everything went straight to the higher-ups, who were all men and all related or long-time friends. The company had a rampant sexism problem where female coworkers were blatantly ignored during meetings, and their concerns about the workplace were ignored. One coworker was sexually harassed by a male coworker, and her complaints were ignored. It was only taken seriously when the rest of the female staff discovered this man was a convicted sex offender (2x) and were obviously upset. Management told the male worker that they were sorry “they had to fire him because of 'me too' stuff,” and the female worker was ignored and snubbed until she eventually quit. One of the…

I worked for this company over the course of seven months, and during this time, probably about 75% of the staff quit.

This was one of those companies that consider everyone a “family” but has absolutely no HR. Everything went straight to the higher-ups, who were all men and all related or long-time friends. The company had a rampant sexism problem where female coworkers were blatantly ignored during meetings, and their concerns about the workplace were ignored.

One coworker was sexually harassed by a male coworker, and her complaints were ignored. It was only taken seriously when the rest of the female staff discovered this man was a convicted sex offender (2x) and were obviously upset. Management told the male worker that they were sorry “they had to fire him because of 'me too' stuff,” and the female worker was ignored and snubbed until she eventually quit.

One of the bosses would share personal photos to the company communication platform at odd hours of the night (think sharing a photo of your bed or sending a selfie at 11 p.m. – 3 a.m.), and he would also leave weird comments on female coworkers social media posts (fire emojis, heart eyes). However, he never bothered to learn any of the women's names and would take loud phone calls when it was their turn to present during meetings. When multiple female staff members took their concerns to a female supervisor, who then took them to one of the male higher-ups, she was told she was just whining and eventually fired for “budget reasons.” They hired like five new people the next month.

Anyway, saw on LinkedIn through some connections that this place has won one of those “best places to work” awards. I only left about a year ago, and I only recognized about 5 people in the group photo they posted out of about 30 employees.

If it's such a great place to work, why does nobody want to work there for more than a year?

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