
Old Job / New Job Differences

Starting on the first of December, I moved to a new position within the same company as my old position. I moved from $18/hour to a salaried position (works out to about $25/hour with a 40 hour work week). I've now worked in this position three weeks. The entire time I've been in the new position I've done about as much work as a single day in the old position…this system just doesn't make sense.

Starting on the first of December, I moved to a new position within the same company as my old position. I moved from $18/hour to a salaried position (works out to about $25/hour with a 40 hour work week). I've now worked in this position three weeks. The entire time I've been in the new position I've done about as much work as a single day in the old position…this system just doesn't make sense.

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