
Older guy “no one wants to work”

I work with this older guy (64) we do maintenance at a large industrial plant. We’re short staffed and he constantly talks about how people don’t wanna work and everyone’s lazy……this man worked for the same company for 30 years before they went out of business, and he lost his pension, he now can’t retire at 65, and makes less than I do (22/hour)….the other day I was like dude of all people you should understand why people aren’t taking jobs for shit money. And he just got mad at me…..It’s so crazy to me the way things are instilled in these older people about work your balls off for the person making 10x your salary for them to shit on you whenever they can. I just don’t get it.

I work with this older guy (64) we do maintenance at a large industrial plant. We’re short staffed and he constantly talks about how people don’t wanna work and everyone’s lazy……this man worked for the same company for 30 years before they went out of business, and he lost his pension, he now can’t retire at 65, and makes less than I do (22/hour)….the other day I was like dude of all people you should understand why people aren’t taking jobs for shit money. And he just got mad at me…..It’s so crazy to me the way things are instilled in these older people about work your balls off for the person making 10x your salary for them to shit on you whenever they can. I just don’t get it.

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