
On internships

Internship = that time when you work for free in exchange for experience points Why do people let shit like this happen…. People in their 20s hardly have any sort of income to sustain themselves and now we've added an even bigger difficulty to game, forcing them to work for an apparent and completely abstract ideal that somehow working for free is now a service for the person being slaved out instead of pointing out the hypocrisy for what it is. Youre telling me that 12 years of public education + 4 years of college aren't enough, I must also work for free for 2 years now. I can only wonder when society will start consider UBI instead of adding layers upon layers of social mockery as an attempt to create meaning from within

Internship = that time when you work for free in exchange for experience points

Why do people let shit like this happen….
People in their 20s hardly have any sort of income to sustain themselves and now we've added an even bigger difficulty to game, forcing them to work for an apparent and completely abstract ideal that somehow working for free is now a service for the person being slaved out instead of pointing out the hypocrisy for what it is.

Youre telling me that 12 years of public education + 4 years of college aren't enough, I must also work for free for 2 years now. I can only wonder when society will start consider UBI instead of adding layers upon layers of social mockery as an attempt to create meaning from within

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