
On my third week as a veterinarian receptionist and I’m burnt out.

I got laid off from Facebook back in February. I was a platform user experience and even tho I saw a lot of disturbing things, I enjoyed my job. But as mentioned I was let go. I have a lot of bills to pay, rent, and a car. To top it off I'm a mom with a 3 year old son. My partner doesn't make enough to help with my expenses so I had to jump back into the workforce right away. I couldn't land another job in the whole tech world due to the mass layoffs, I was competing with people who were more qualified than I was. So I had to go back to receptionist. Had an interview with a vet place and it all seemed great. 40hrs, Pay wasn't great I was making 9 dollars less than i was at fb but I understood, I was coming…

I got laid off from Facebook back in February. I was a platform user experience and even tho I saw a lot of disturbing things, I enjoyed my job. But as mentioned I was let go.

I have a lot of bills to pay, rent, and a car. To top it off I'm a mom with a 3 year old son. My partner doesn't make enough to help with my expenses so I had to jump back into the workforce right away. I couldn't land another job in the whole tech world due to the mass layoffs, I was competing with people who were more qualified than I was. So I had to go back to receptionist.

Had an interview with a vet place and it all seemed great. 40hrs, Pay wasn't great I was making 9 dollars less than i was at fb but I understood, I was coming into a field that I'm not familiar with. I started working right away and boy, do I feel stupid.

My hours are not consistent which i was never told about. If i wanted to make up hours i can go to our sister hospital instead. the person training me is a bit everywhere and easily annoyed by clients. They were also going through some personal stuff and just being full on aggressive on my first week. The supervisor asked if I wanted to work Saturday since there was no doctor set for that day. Since we didn't have a doctor I said no, if he was giving me the option to choose I rather not. I had plans to take care of my dad and help with his insulin. That's when my supervisor goes, “you know you have to work Saturdays right? Is this going to be an issue?” I was a bit confused and said , ” it's no issue I can work saturdays I'll let my sister know she needs to take care of dad.” I was just so confused on why they gave me an option if I wanted to work Saturday and when I said no they got upset.

Also on my second week I had to call out one day due to my son getting a stomach bug. My supervisor wasn't too fond, “I guess since it was a family emergency I'll let it pass for now.”

I'm really starting to second guess my choice, I'm working a part time job with less than 40 hours…. but I need benefits for my kid. The pay isn't great, things are a bit chaotic and I'm just burnt out. I miss my fb job. Also they want me to be solo by next week but I can't open the clinic since I need to be with them for 90 days before I receive a key??? I don't know this place is throwing up red flags for me.

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