
“On your own time” means outside contract day.

Really tired of “on your own time” Here's this training teachers need to do. Don't worry, there won't be a meeting. Just do it on your own time. No, BTS week has no scheduled room setup hours. We know you'll do it on your own time. Here's this new tech tool. It's great and it'll save you time next year when you can reuse lessons. When will you make the lessons? I know we took your planning time for meetings, don't worry, you can do it on your own time. Said tech tool allows me to have kids make a recording of the things I needed to test individually (cries in primary education here). OK. 10 minute video, times 21 kids. When do I have time to watch them? On my own time, of course.

Really tired of “on your own time”

Here's this training teachers need to do. Don't worry, there won't be a meeting. Just do it on your own time.

No, BTS week has no scheduled room setup hours. We know you'll do it on your own time.

Here's this new tech tool. It's great and it'll save you time next year when you can reuse lessons. When will you make the lessons? I know we took your planning time for meetings, don't worry, you can do it on your own time.

Said tech tool allows me to have kids make a recording of the things I needed to test individually (cries in primary education here). OK. 10 minute video, times 21 kids. When do I have time to watch them? On my own time, of course.

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