
once again my hopes are dashed

So for 6 months I've been submitting 3 to 6 job apps a day, i always call the 3 days later during nonrush hours to ask about my application. I get a few interviews buts it's very tpugh. So on Friday I met a guy and he gave me a business card for a handyman business that he was the owner of and said if I wanted to go to work he would take me to work with him for 3 to 4 hours that day and pay me at the end of the day and if it worked out well then come on Monday well we work for about four and a half hours almost five and he said the pay would be $15 an hour at the end of the day I said hey do you have the 60$ for today right before getting out the truck and…

So for 6 months I've been submitting 3 to 6 job apps a day, i always call the 3 days later during nonrush hours to ask about my application. I get a few interviews buts it's very tpugh. So on Friday I met a guy and he gave me a business card for a handyman business that he was the owner of and said if I wanted to go to work he would take me to work with him for 3 to 4 hours that day and pay me at the end of the day and if it worked out well then come on Monday well we work for about four and a half hours almost five and he said the pay would be $15 an hour at the end of the day I said hey do you have the 60$ for today right before getting out the truck and he says no what are you talking about payday isn't until Friday even though it was a Friday so I kind of laughed thinking he was joking and he gets mad.

So I get confused and say I thought you said you would pay me at the end of the day and if it worked out well that we would come out Monday he said that he didn't have any money on him and that he couldn't take money out of his account because his wife would get really mad he took out 60$ and got a 3$ I would have to wait until tomorrow and he asked if I would like to work tomorrow for some more hours I was very suspicious but he seemed trustworthy and he had been in business for 6 years so I said yes pick me up at 8:00 so I call him at 8:15 a.m. no answer I call him back around 9:00 no answer finally he messages me about 11:00 saying he wasn't going to work that day instead he wanted to go to the beach… ok…so he would pay me on Monday he swore

Tonight I text him and remind him to bring the pay that he still owes me in the morning before we go to work so I have some money for the day cuz I'm flat broke from not working for 6 months so even $20 would be a blessing so he text back saying payday isn't until Friday and he's tired of telling me that and says that he doesn't have any money until the job is done and he's actually underwater on this job which was news to me so now I'm starting starting to think he's a scammer it sucks because I was so excited I thought this would actually be my chance to get a job with 40 hours a week and good decent paying but it seems it was yet another let down I can't believe how Shady the job market is nowadays so I text him back and say that I think it would just be best if he would bring me the money he owes me and we just go our separate ways because it sounds like he doesn't have his money in order and if he can't even pay me for 4 hours of work then what's going to be like when he owes me 40 or more hours of work I just don't feel comfortable working for someone who can't even seem to produce less than $100 in pay

Do you think I'm the one in the wrong here should I have not pushed the issue or waited?

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