
one of my supervisors want to speak with me because “he hasnt heard from me in weeks”

Hey all, background info. I work for a non profit. Started as a coordinator running a program for youth then transitioned into a role where I work more on operations/technical support for my organization. However, I still have to do the Coordinator work because it is still needed to run the program I mentioned. My title is a Systems Manager. I am full time. I was primarily working in “department A”, but this September I was given a raise with the intention to do the same work for the entire company. However, because of the way things work for our company, my pay is allocated from different budgets. Essentially, 14% of my pay is taken out of the supervisor's budget/department B. I got an email today from my from the same supervisor saying he hasn't heard from me in weeks and that it is unacceptable. He wants to meet with…

Hey all,

background info. I work for a non profit. Started as a coordinator running a program for youth then transitioned into a role where I work more on operations/technical support for my organization. However, I still have to do the Coordinator work because it is still needed to run the program I mentioned. My title is a Systems Manager. I am full time.

I was primarily working in “department A”, but this September I was given a raise with the intention to do the same work for the entire company. However, because of the way things work for our company, my pay is allocated from different budgets. Essentially, 14% of my pay is taken out of the supervisor's budget/department B.

I got an email today from my from the same supervisor saying he hasn't heard from me in weeks and that it is unacceptable. He wants to meet with me to discuss my responsibilities in his department. This is the first time I am receiving a notice like this. CEO was CC'd also….

I have worked with the company for about 2 or so years. Nearly all the time, I work independently to the point I didn't even need to check in because the work I was doing was clearly apparent. My supervisors from department A would actually check in with me to see how I am doing to make sure I am not overworked and ask me for help with things they needed. So I was kind of caught at a surprise when this supervisor emailed me today about not hearing from me. Different department different people I guess?

He is right thought, we have not spoken since I worked with him back in September on a small operations project. I didn't know that was an expectation. Further, when we first met to discuss what I would be doing for his department, he said I am supposed to be working 4 hours a week for him.

So that being said, I am not enjoying a free ride, I am doing work for him. I just did not inform him.

To give an impression of him, he is older (50s), kind of rude, I think clearly wants his money's worth from people, strict & stern, but he does do good work for the company.

Advice? Should I just try to keep it simple and say that I was not aware that I should be checking in with you each week and just go straight to a recommendation of what I think is best to ensure he is satisfied?

TL:DR My supervisor wants to speak to me about not communicating. He hasn't communicated with me also. How should I go about this conversation?

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