I finally did it.
I went to school, and got “the job”. Engineering degree and Job.
No share in the business. Shit benefits. Working me tons of extra hours, with a “thanks” email for all my hard work. WTF?
But I think I know the way out. Finding my lane in the Crypto industry.
Right now it’s easy to just join communities and learn your way into a job with an nft project or other things just by participating and being helpful.
I’ve done that, but I want something more in my control. Now I’m learning to code, with the help of other projects making it easier to learn. And YouTube. All free and open to anyone.
This is the way to escape your shit job you hate and build something you love, using this new technology.
Like cars? Gaming? Any niche. Get involved in the community, or build your own by finding others who are interested. Go from there.
It’s so possible with crypto. Most people hate it or think it’s a scam. Some of them are, but a few are not. Cardano is the winner. Join the Cardano ecosystem and escape this bullshit were left to dealt with. Come build the future. I’m starting to do it.
It will take time but this is one way out.