
One week of PTO is insufficient

There’s another thread right now with an employee who works in construction catching flack because he’s being forced to take unpaid time off for being sick since he was sick twice (with the flu and then COVID, poor fucker) and he wanted to work to get paid It blows my mind that so many people fail to understand that the fundamental issue with that entire scenario is that his employer gave him a pathetic ONE WEEK of PTO (which includes sick time off?). In what world is this acceptable to any of you except for the scores of bootlickers I see on these threads, trying to rationalize that the status quo is okay? One week of PTO is not enough. Two weeks of PTO is not enough. Why can’t we all agree that work fucking sucks and we deserve more PTO? I don’t love my job but I’ve taken well…

There’s another thread right now with an employee who works in construction catching flack because he’s being forced to take unpaid time off for being sick since he was sick twice (with the flu and then COVID, poor fucker) and he wanted to work to get paid

It blows my mind that so many people fail to understand that the fundamental issue with that entire scenario is that his employer gave him a pathetic ONE WEEK of PTO (which includes sick time off?). In what world is this acceptable to any of you except for the scores of bootlickers I see on these threads, trying to rationalize that the status quo is okay?

One week of PTO is not enough. Two weeks of PTO is not enough. Why can’t we all agree that work fucking sucks and we deserve more PTO? I don’t love my job but I’ve taken well over four weeks of leave this year and wouldn’t accept any less than that moving forward. Neither should any of you. There are countries that have legislation that provides such PTO protections for their employees. The USA is not one of them. We should be. Politics aside, this is something we ALL need to agree on

Fuck work and fuck employers that don’t give their employees adequate time off

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