
One Year since a life-changing workplace injury, rampant bullying, and eventual escape.

A year ago right now, I sustained a major injury at work. I was on bedrest for 8 weeks, and it completely uprooted my life. I couldn’t drive, let alone leave the house. Upon returning to work, I received rampant bullying by my coworkers who treated me as if I got an extended vacation, as if I abandoned my work by choice. I cried and cried to HR, who did absolutely nothing but tell me I needed to “let go” of my anxiety, that it was all in my head. The bullying got so bad upon my first two weeks back at work, that I ended up having a complete emotional collapse, resulting in my hospitalization and eventual resignation without notice. Since then, I have developed a major passion for workers’ rights, and have since started a masters degree in hopes of eventually finding a position fighting for workers’ rights,…

A year ago right now, I sustained a major injury at work. I was on bedrest for 8 weeks, and it completely uprooted my life. I couldn’t drive, let alone leave the house. Upon returning to work, I received rampant bullying by my coworkers who treated me as if I got an extended vacation, as if I abandoned my work by choice. I cried and cried to HR, who did absolutely nothing but tell me I needed to “let go” of my anxiety, that it was all in my head. The bullying got so bad upon my first two weeks back at work, that I ended up having a complete emotional collapse, resulting in my hospitalization and eventual resignation without notice.

Since then, I have developed a major passion for workers’ rights, and have since started a masters degree in hopes of eventually finding a position fighting for workers’ rights, in any capacity.

Grateful to this sub for igniting my fire for workers’ rights, and pushing me to leave that toxic position/workplace. If anyone knows how to find my place in workers’ rights- whether that be further education on the subject, or opportunities in this regard, please send them my way- as well as your stories of triumph upon leaving toxic workplaces!!!

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