
Only day off and I get a call from the owner yelling…

I run one of those big car washs and January was supposed to be a big month but because we had a lot of cloudy days our sales slumped. (For context we sell monthly car wash packages). The owners wanted a plan to turn around the slump, and increase the excitement around making sales. Because I have been in management and sales for the last 30 years I was able to quickly come up with an incentive plan that encouraged and financially rewarded the staff by pushing a little harder. Everybody was going to win. I went in yesterday (on my day off) to train the team so that we could get as many sales this weekend that we could (since the sun is shining). I was there for five hours. Today I got a call from one of the owners telling me that he is on the cameras watching…

I run one of those big car washs and January was supposed to be a big month but because we had a lot of cloudy days our sales slumped. (For context we sell monthly car wash packages).

The owners wanted a plan to turn around the slump, and increase the excitement around making sales. Because I have been in management and sales for the last 30 years I was able to quickly come up with an incentive plan that encouraged and financially rewarded the staff by pushing a little harder. Everybody was going to win.

I went in yesterday (on my day off) to train the team so that we could get as many sales this weekend that we could (since the sun is shining). I was there for five hours.

Today I got a call from one of the owners telling me that he is on the cameras watching the staff and we’re not doing anything.. when I’m fast we were doing better than last week by far! It was everything I could do to not quit on the spot.. I told him that I deserve one day off and that if he feels like we are a team the he could relieve me and go in himself. Here’s the thing, this is supposed to be a Christian organization run by Christians. It just pisses me off.

Now we are going to have a meeting next week to discuss this. I’ve already started putting in applications.

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