
Only managers get to eat

I work at a semi famous sandwich shop in New York(state not the city) and I was told today after my shift was up and I hadn't gotten a meal break, that despite the fact that she “forgot” I still have to pay for a sandwich and only managers don't have to pay, not what I was told when I was hired. Despite the fact that I'm supposed to get a meal period in a 6 hour shift, and I didn't which is illegal in my state, it feels really shitty that I can't make myself a fucking sandwich. I'm not paying for a god damn sandwich. Edited. Typo.

I work at a semi famous sandwich shop in New York(state not the city) and I was told today after my shift was up and I hadn't gotten a meal break, that despite the fact that she “forgot” I still have to pay for a sandwich and only managers don't have to pay, not what I was told when I was hired. Despite the fact that I'm supposed to get a meal period in a 6 hour shift, and I didn't which is illegal in my state, it feels really shitty that I can't make myself a fucking sandwich.

I'm not paying for a god damn sandwich.

Edited. Typo.

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