
Organizing a Union horror stories?

Welp, I done did it. After several years of cultivating a culture of collective action, about a year of the company disrespecting it's employees and about 3 weeks of frantic recruiting I got union petitions signed. The feeling of elation as the team gathered to meet with Union rep was one of the top ten moments of my life so far. And now the hard part really starts. I'm not really expecting my company to go all out in a Union Busting campaign. I expect we will get some light anti union propaganda, vote, and all move forward as a collective unit. However, on the off chance that things get crazy, I wanna hear y'all's worst experiences while trying to start a Union.

Welp, I done did it. After several years of cultivating a culture of collective action, about a year of the company disrespecting it's employees and about 3 weeks of frantic recruiting I got union petitions signed. The feeling of elation as the team gathered to meet with Union rep was one of the top ten moments of my life so far.

And now the hard part really starts. I'm not really expecting my company to go all out in a Union Busting campaign. I expect we will get some light anti union propaganda, vote, and all move forward as a collective unit. However, on the off chance that things get crazy, I wanna hear y'all's worst experiences while trying to start a Union.

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