
Orientation over laps with one day out of my last two weeks.

Ive gotten one raise and still don’t make enough to live on, do 2 jobs in one, and if I explained in detail what I’ve done for this corporation jaws would drop. Shit I haven’t even gotten employee of the month(BS anyways). I have another offer for a position that I have guaranteed opportunity. I’m told at my current job how much they “care for me”, and yet when I asked about this one day I just got a bunch of no’s after asking about a few possible options. Part of my bosses job requirements is to fill in when there isn’t other options. I said “I have no option, sorry”. I have received no answer to this. Curious to what will be said Monday. I came to the conclusion that there is no way I could possibly want to work here when I found out that the facility I…

Ive gotten one raise and still don’t make enough to live on, do 2 jobs in one, and if I explained in detail what I’ve done for this corporation jaws would drop. Shit I haven’t even gotten employee of the month(BS anyways). I have another offer for a position that I have guaranteed opportunity. I’m told at my current job how much they “care for me”, and yet when I asked about this one day I just got a bunch of no’s after asking about a few possible options. Part of my bosses job requirements is to fill in when there isn’t other options. I said “I have no option, sorry”. I have received no answer to this. Curious to what will be said Monday.

I came to the conclusion that there is no way I could possibly want to work here when I found out that the facility I work at is PURPOSELY overworked, cutting corners, and using low quality solutions(while advertising otherwise) to keep overhead low so the other facilities they own can be bailed out when they go in the red. This is because the other facilities cater to wealthy, and famous people.

I’m so burnt out I hope I am able to be at 100% for this new job.

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