
Our entire remote work force got laid off from Service Experts thanks to their new software system.

Just got the news this week me and everyone else that works customer service remotely is being laid off, they had us all sign our severance agreements and we will be all laid off in the next month or two. The greed is unreal with corporate America, the raises we were supposed to get would’ve been laughable anyway. Just know you are always expendable and should always keep an eye on new opportunities because the rug will be pulled out from under you. Can’t wait to claim my pittance of unemployment insurance.

Just got the news this week me and everyone else that works customer service remotely is being laid off, they had us all sign our severance agreements and we will be all laid off in the next month or two. The greed is unreal with corporate America, the raises we were supposed to get would’ve been laughable anyway. Just know you are always expendable and should always keep an eye on new opportunities because the rug will be pulled out from under you. Can’t wait to claim my pittance of unemployment insurance.

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