
Our facility’s problems stem from understaffing, not incompetence.

Yet Corporate doesn't seem to understand this, they constantly send out snarky e-mails implying that our team is just incompetent, while completely ignoring the fact that the facility has been running with an underpaid skeleton crew for the past 6 months. They are even paying employees from other facility's flights and room and board, just for them to come and “mentor” us for a couple weeks. It's getting so bad that they are considering closing the facility down. My question is this, won't they lose MORE profit from the facility closing down, than if they just gave their lowest employees (the backbone of the entire facility) a raise? People would be lining up in droves for this job if it paid a bit more, and the understaffing issue would go away quickly. How do you make it to corporate levels without understanding these things?

Yet Corporate doesn't seem to understand this, they constantly send out snarky e-mails implying that our team is just incompetent, while completely ignoring the fact that the facility has been running with an underpaid skeleton crew for the past 6 months. They are even paying employees from other facility's flights and room and board, just for them to come and “mentor” us for a couple weeks. It's getting so bad that they are considering closing the facility down.

My question is this, won't they lose MORE profit from the facility closing down, than if they just gave their lowest employees (the backbone of the entire facility) a raise? People would be lining up in droves for this job if it paid a bit more, and the understaffing issue would go away quickly.

How do you make it to corporate levels without understanding these things?

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