
our township has effected everyones jobs now…

so ill give the layout first of our city. the city is 3 towns mashed into one. town 1 is the central hud, town 2 is emeshed up agenst town 1 and then a 15 min ride along a highway with no sidewalks is town 3. town 1 is slowly trying to move everything and everyone up into it by removing accessible resorced from town 3. today we found out town 1 is changing thier terminal bus scedules. Since its summer, the township has decided the amiunt of passenger's will be dropping for some odd reason. They havent said why they think this and thus are slicing all buses from the half they were in due to covid down to another half. we all now must wait 45 mins between each bus and expect delays. This effects anyone unable to drive from town 3 to town 1. as the bus…

so ill give the layout first of our city. the city is 3 towns mashed into one. town 1 is the central hud, town 2 is emeshed up agenst town 1 and then a 15 min ride along a highway with no sidewalks is town 3. town 1 is slowly trying to move everything and everyone up into it by removing accessible resorced from town 3.

today we found out town 1 is changing thier terminal bus scedules. Since its summer, the township has decided the amiunt of passenger's will be dropping for some odd reason. They havent said why they think this and thus are slicing all buses from the half they were in due to covid down to another half. we all now must wait 45 mins between each bus and expect delays. This effects anyone unable to drive from town 3 to town 1. as the bus is the only reliable transport. taking a taxi between the towns comes put to 30$ one way.

Now the other reason they gave and one we are trying to be sympathetic to is that thier drives fro the entire covid have been gett leaves denied. thwy are severly understaffed but the township isnt too interested in hireing more staff to compensate. meaning they have put us all in a bad spot due to this. no one is blaming the poor drivers for this issue.

now you can see how this will impact the community? employeers had to be very understanding during covid since thier employees who travel by bus were at the mercy of this. people who needed supplies have to trvael up to town 1 to get it cuz even after protisioning for a grocery store, it still dosent proved all we need. people with appoitments or social events must also plan around the bus.

i can also see why no one wants to work for them. long hours of driving with rekless drivees on the road. i cant count how many times these buses have almost been hit. and then the passengers… we have alot of drug adicts and those who have mental illness that have fallen threw the system. we have had the bus driver stop by the police station more then once. they dont get paid enouh… there is mo win here anymore.

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