
Out of work due to emergency surgery. How do I politely tell my bosses who won’t stop texting and calling me, that I can’t give them a return to work date yet??

I had emergency surgery on my spine on 11/1. I had no clue what kind of recovery I was in for. Job was definitely mad because it was unexpected and inconvenienced them. Doc said I could feel like myself in 2 weeks, 4 weeks or 6+ weeks. It varies for everyone. I saw my doc 2 weeks post op and he said if I felt up to it, I could return to work part time or for a few hours a day at 3 weeks post op, but he was giving me a note to cover me for up to at least 6 weeks. My overly anxious self told my boss I’d come in (22 days after surgery) for a few hours to help him with some work because I was getting texts every day saying “call me I have questions”, “hi can you call me”, “hi when do you…

I had emergency surgery on my spine on 11/1. I had no clue what kind of recovery I was in for. Job was definitely mad because it was unexpected and inconvenienced them. Doc said I could feel like myself in 2 weeks, 4 weeks or 6+ weeks. It varies for everyone. I saw my doc 2 weeks post op and he said if I felt up to it, I could return to work part time or for a few hours a day at 3 weeks post op, but he was giving me a note to cover me for up to at least 6 weeks.
My overly anxious self told my boss I’d come in (22 days after surgery) for a few hours to help him with some work because I was getting texts every day saying “call me I have questions”, “hi can you call me”, “hi when do you think you’ll return?”. So I wake up the day I’m supposed to go in and I knew I couldn’t make it there. I still felt exhausted, was having recovery aches and pains, and sitting for longer than 10 mins was uncomfortable for me. I knew I couldn’t do the 25 min drive. I reached out to him early in the morning and apologized but said I can’t make and I don’t want to push myself. I explained that as much as I want to be back, I may need to wait another week or so.

He responded with “ok well I don’t understand, you told me you would be in”.

Clearly, they don’t understand SPINE SURGERY.

I decided to nicely end the phone call but sure enough 15 minutes later I get a text from his brother, the other owner, asking me to call him. So I said F it. Not calling. And so I didn’t.

Now, I’m taking the full 6 weeks. It’s a mixture of still not feeling ready physically on top of the aggravation from them. I emailed them with the doctors note that I already sent them and said I decided to take the full 6 weeks due to not feeling physically well enough to return.

It’s now been 2 days of “hi can you call me” “hi I have a question”. And about 20 calls with voicemails asking me to let them know exactly what date I’ll be back. WHY CAN’T YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT YOUR QUESTION IS via email or text???? I’ve ignored it all.

I’m now disgusted and hoping I hit the lotto.

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