
Overhead a coworker talking about his wage and it’s way too low

today I was near two coworkers talking and joking about how little they make. One goes “I make 10.50 an hour I don’t need to be doing extra work” and the other guy goes “yeah I make 8.95 top that” and chuckled. I could not believe what I was hearing. I was hired on doing the same job as him at a starting wage of 12.50. The company was recently bought out by another larger one right before i started and he’s been here much longer than me. I didn’t say anything cause I didn’t want to intrude but I’m worried about him. I don’t know him at all, I’ve had maybe one conversation with him and he doesn’t even know my name. Should I bring it up with one of my cool managers or go to him about it first? I don’t want to make him uncomfortable but that’s…

today I was near two coworkers talking and joking about how little they make. One goes “I make 10.50 an hour I don’t need to be doing extra work” and the other guy goes “yeah I make 8.95 top that” and chuckled. I could not believe what I was hearing. I was hired on doing the same job as him at a starting wage of 12.50. The company was recently bought out by another larger one right before i started and he’s been here much longer than me. I didn’t say anything cause I didn’t want to intrude but I’m worried about him. I don’t know him at all, I’ve had maybe one conversation with him and he doesn’t even know my name. Should I bring it up with one of my cool managers or go to him about it first? I don’t want to make him uncomfortable but that’s such a drastic difference in what he should be making.

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