
Overheard a manager confess to illegal firing

Just sat down to breakfast at McD's and overheard a woman getting interviewed (and immediately accepted) for a job here. The McD's manager said, and I quote (I scribbled notes on my napkin as she talked because the first 2 sentences caught my attention): “One thing though, and this is not on your paperwork. Do NOT post anything about your paycheck on social media, do not talk about how much you make with ANYone. And I mean ANYone. We had a girl get fired just last week 'cause she ran her mouth on Snapchat or WeChat or something, talking about how many hours she got, or didn't get, and upper management sent down word to let her go. I mean we couldn't SAY that's what it was about but she has a nose ring and we said it was about that, I think. Insubordination. Because she did leave it in…

Just sat down to breakfast at McD's and overheard a woman getting interviewed (and immediately accepted) for a job here. The McD's manager said, and I quote (I scribbled notes on my napkin as she talked because the first 2 sentences caught my attention):

“One thing though, and this is not on your paperwork. Do NOT post anything about your paycheck on social media, do not talk about how much you make with ANYone. And I mean ANYone. We had a girl get fired just last week 'cause she ran her mouth on Snapchat or WeChat or something, talking about how many hours she got, or didn't get, and upper management sent down word to let her go. I mean we couldn't SAY that's what it was about but she has a nose ring and we said it was about that, I think. Insubordination. Because she did leave it in and we normally let that slide here but it is against the rulebook.”

As soon as the woman was alone I waved her down and told her it's not illegal to discuss your own wages. She told me she needs this job and she's just going to do what she is told.

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