
Owner hired Fiance and filled the position anyway

I’m so angry right now. My fiancé was told by the owner way back in October when he first applied that if he emailed his resume they’d hire him. Emailed and got told there were no open positions at the moment but at the end of the semester some people were quitting and they’d hire him. Fine. We wait until the end of the semester and contact them again. They say there’s a position open and they’ll call him back. We never hear back. We try again in January just checking on the application. Fiancé goes in for an interview, is told he got the job and the owner will call him next week about when he’ll start training. Great! A week and a half goes by so we call today and they’ve filled both open positions even though he was literally told he had the job. Why is this…

I’m so angry right now. My fiancé was told by the owner way back in October when he first applied that if he emailed his resume they’d hire him. Emailed and got told there were no open positions at the moment but at the end of the semester some people were quitting and they’d hire him. Fine. We wait until the end of the semester and contact them again. They say there’s a position open and they’ll call him back. We never hear back. We try again in January just checking on the application. Fiancé goes in for an interview, is told he got the job and the owner will call him next week about when he’ll start training. Great! A week and a half goes by so we call today and they’ve filled both open positions even though he was literally told he had the job. Why is this even legal? A business owner should not be allowed to just lie to applicants and string them along for months. And there’s nothing we can even do about it.

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