
Owner shuts down business with 12 hours notice

I’m the manager of a small print shop. Business hit a plateau over the past year, and the writing probably is on the wall that new sales would shrink for 2023. I got a text from my boss, the owner, on Sunday afternoon saying he wanted me to call him to talk about the direction of the company for the next year. Even though it was my day off, I care about this company and the people that work there, so I called him. The owner told me that effective the next day, he is permanently shutting down the company. I was in a state of shock. He also cancelled all 2022 year-end bonuses. When I asked him why he would close the shop, he told me he has “enough money” and wants more time to spend with his wife and grandkids. He also told me to contact the employees…

I’m the manager of a small print shop. Business hit a plateau over the past year, and the writing probably is on the wall that new sales would shrink for 2023. I got a text from my boss, the owner, on Sunday afternoon saying he wanted me to call him to talk about the direction of the company for the next year. Even though it was my day off, I care about this company and the people that work there, so I called him. The owner told me that effective the next day, he is permanently shutting down the company. I was in a state of shock. He also cancelled all 2022 year-end bonuses. When I asked him why he would close the shop, he told me he has “enough money” and wants more time to spend with his wife and grandkids. He also told me to contact the employees to let them know, one of which is currently out on sick leave because she had a miscarriage and had to have surgery last Thursday.

This is devastating. I have worked for this man for twelve years and am stunned this is how it all ends.

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