
Owner’s “little projects” seem to be crossing the line.

This is more of an advice seeking post. Forgive me if this is not the right sub. Some Background I work as a payroll specialist and assistant accountant for this medium size rail road company that buys and sells steel from rail roads. I only have two people I answer to, one being my direct supervisor ,the head accountant and HR, while the other being the owner of the company. Both of them are really nice and I have enjoyed my time here. They are super open and friendly. The job pays really well with lost of PTO and Benefits. I see both of them pretty much all day every day and they each give me projects to work on. My direct supervisor's project always strictly have to do with what was in my job description however the owners “projects” seem to be getting more and more personal and I…

This is more of an advice seeking post.

Forgive me if this is not the right sub.

Some Background

I work as a payroll specialist and assistant accountant for this medium size rail road company that buys and sells steel from rail roads. I only have two people I answer to, one being my direct supervisor ,the head accountant and HR, while the other being the owner of the company. Both of them are really nice and I have enjoyed my time here. They are super open and friendly. The job pays really well with lost of PTO and Benefits.

I see both of them pretty much all day every day and they each give me projects to work on. My direct supervisor's project always strictly have to do with what was in my job description however the owners “projects” seem to be getting more and more personal and I do not really know what to do.

First Couple Projects

First the projects were things like booking a hotel for him while he was on a business trip, or contacting a tree cutting service. Which are fine because I figured they had to do with company expenses. However, the request now do not have anything to do with the company and everything to do with his personal life.

The Issue

The first issue was when he asked me to contact this oil tank cleaning service. I said sure because I figured we have an oil tank somewhere that I did not know about. But when he went into more detail it was about cleaning the oil tank located at his house. I thought this was a weird request but it was only sending an email too someone and setting up a time they can talk so I did it.

A week or so later her left a car part on my desk with a note asking to go talk to him when I come in. It seemed like he wanted me to return the piece and maybe replace it but again when he went into detail it turns out this part was a Christmas gift for his daughter and she needed it in a different color. So he wanted me to get in contact with his daughter (He gave me her phone number), get some more information and see about replacing the part. He said “Basically she dumped it on me and I'm dumping it on you.” I said I would do it because I was not busy but I have yet to do it.

The latest issue is that he was summoned for Jury duty and does not want to go so he asked if I could look into finding a way for him not to go. Maybe we can “write a letter or something.”

Lastly, It seems like he does this to everyone in the office. I overheard one of the girls say that a package came in her name but it was really for our boss and inside the package are his razors. The reason her name was on the package was because she was asked to order them.


I planned to bring this up to my direct supervisor, as she holds a lot of weight in the company. But i do not know what to really say besides “he gives me task that do not have anything to do with my job.” I am almost thing this inst even an issue? Like I was hired to process payroll but if asked to vacuum like sure i wasn't hired to vacuum but is it a big deal? Is it only a big deal because these task are so personal, I am not his assistant and I do not imagine he is breaking any laws. Any advice would be greatly appreciate.


Owner of the company has given me task to do from his personal life (ex. exchanging his daughter's Christmas gift) even though I am payroll/accounting and not his personal assistant. I feel this is crossing some sort of work/life boundary but do not know how to proceed in order to make it stop.

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