
wife’s employer let her go for reasons outside her control

So, my (27M) wife (27F) has been working for a tire dispatch company for truckers and think company with a blimp. My wife was one of the only 2 that actually made it past the training, they were unnecessary strict when it came to what they expected, and she has been working through out the last year as hard as she can. Well, recently they decided to let her go. Part of the problem is that we live in an apartment that is super noises, people slamming door and stomping up and down the stair case. We have tried everything from leaving notes to talking to management; literally, no one will listen to us. The second problem is that my health has deteriorated recently. My seizures have become more frequent, and my eyesight has gotten worse, along with recently being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Well, this last Sunday, I…


My work evaluation is suspiciously weird

For context, it was a scale of 1-5 Some of the most interesting feedback: General Appearance: “Sam comes to work dressed appropriately every day” Score: 3 How can I get more appropriate then the dress code? I don’t feel like getting up and searching for the title of the category but two conflicting feedback came in, one said “Sam often needs reassurance when program planning” and another said “Sam needs to utilize all his resources, including his supervisor”. Am I meant to utilize my supervisor or plan programs without asking for reassurance? Attendance: “Sam shows up to work every day he is scheduled, on time, and calls to let his supervisor know if he is going to be late ahead of time” Score: 3 How do I get a better score then that? Should I leave school to come early and stay late? This is some BS considering I’ve volunteered…


We’re going to party at work at talk shit!

I don't know if this breaks rule 3 but this is gonna be a blast. I was saving up for a vehicle and trailer to live the nomadic life style I've dreamed of since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. When I reached my financial goal I quit the most toxic job I've ever worked for. The next day they begged me back so I returned. I felt bad I was the only one in my position who covered my hours, did everything expected, and did more then my job required along with the promise to train a few replacements. Well 7ish months later and the fire me the day before 5 new people were set to replace me and their reasoning, I had a doctor's appointment. They also lied to unemployment that I had walked off, but luckily unemployment investigated this. My old place was a popular Boondocking spot, free camp for trailers/RVs…


The company I recently left overpaid me on my final check and is asking I mail them a check with the overage


Make your job easier by automating it. Don’t tell the boss lol

At my job I automate so many thing to the point I was one of the highest person with numbers. Plus I didn't have to work that hard to get there by automating stuff like Outlook Excel Data formatting Sending data between two programs with out the need to copy paste any more AHK is the preferred method but python is good if you are into coding if don't want to reallly get crazy with learn basic coding can always use a macro record like these windows recorder = mac recorder = This record your move and key presses and anything really then you can repeat them over and over. Learn to do the coding way will give you move features tho. Hope this helps make life easier at work!


Mission statements are a complete joke.

Any company that promises “premier quality” services, yet refuses to pay premier quality wages does NOT deserve to be in business. The company that I personally work for requires many of its employees to learn the mission statement, and I’m so fed up with how many times I directly watch upper management and executives totally ignore aspects of it for the sake of profit. Greed. Random manager: “Hey, so this, that, and the other isn’t getting done” Me: “Oh, maybe I can squeeze in a little bit more work to get more done then.” Meanwhile, my sub-department is allocated 72 hours of labor a week to get the job done by corporate’s standards, and the managers schedule me to do it all by myself (40 hours). How can these people not see that you can’t get 72 hours worth of work done in nearly half the time? I’m sure many…


Had an interview today at a high scale restaurant…

He wasn’t offering me the position I wanted, and wanted to downgrade me to food runner (I used to be a lead at a massive nightclub). The manager asked me about my availability, I told him I had a very important family trip planned for just one weekend in May, and a bachelor party for one weekend in June. That’s it. Other than that I am open everyday, all day. He then proceeded to tell me that was a “deal breaker” and asked me if I could miss those events because “new hires absolutely can’t have any weekends off for 90 days.” And after 90 days, weekends were mandatory, no discussion. Even if he calls me back, I’m not taking the offer. Man what a let down… major red flags


Get on over to r/place and help build the resist fist. Go on, get!


Left my “prestigious” job of being a Financial Advisor only to be berated by parents

Not gonna say all but a lot of Eastern European families have this weird mindset when it comes to work where sometimes having an important sounding title at work means more to them than being happy there or actually making money. At times I think that my parents care more about what the community and their friends will think than they do about me being happy. A little background, I have worked in Financial Services for around 7 years. My first 5 years I did really well, helped people, made money, worked 70+ hours a week to get my business going. Once Covid hit things changed, I started getting absolutely burned out. People didn’t want to meet face to face, networking event disappeared (which is where I met a lot of my clients), workplace became toxic because it’s been a full commission job yet they still expected us to drive…


Anybody else done with the system and rather live simple to not have to work?

So I'm sure most of us have been told by society that we need to go through this system of getting good grades, study a good major at a good college even if it means taking on debt, get a good high paying job, buy a house and a nice car, go on vacation once a years, live, eat, sleep, work for 40 years, retire when you're 60+, die. Basically the endless cycle of just working jobs even if we don't like them just so we can make the payments for our houses, nice cars, etc. I'm glad that people especially since the pandemic have realized this it not the way to live and there must be a better way. We all know some people have started successful business and have been able to become super rich and buy all the nice things in life. However, the truth is that…