
Thought you’d all enjoy this. Just started working at a chain bakery. Corporate culture.


Welcome to your dystopian future!


Recently discovered I am getting paid ~33% less than what new hires for my exact same role within my team have been hired at (all within the last ~6 months). I am the most tenured (6+ yrs) person on my team, counting both my direct manager and the regional manager above them.

Aside from being most tenured at the company within the team, I have more experience in the industry / job role than all but one other person who has my same job function within my team, however they are also a new hire. I was able to find this out easily as one of the new hires left the company in February, as our company made some changes to our responsibilities which they were not on board with. Perfect. We were friends, I trained and was a go to resource for them since they joined til the day they left. I hit them up and asked what they were paid, which they were happy to share. I was able to corroborate talking to another current co-worker in my same role whom I trust (trust in co-worker terms) that just moved into it from another position. Our bonus OTE was the…


Can this please be the antiwork theme song?


Little victories

My workload doubled (literally) once the pandemic hit. My pay did not. For the past two years I thought about quitting every day. The only reason I didn't was that I thought a small income was better than no income. Today they updated everyone's contracts. We all get an extra day of leave if we've been there for two years. Then two more days after five years. It's not the pay-rise I wanted, but it's better than nothing. At least they did something. Embrace the little victories you get.


How many well paid engineers her who do mundane work tasks,? can you describe those tasks?


Jobs with freedom?

Right now I work at a 9-5 job that I hate. I will soon quit so I'm looking for jobs with less than 40 hours per week and/or freedom in terms of how you manage your time. I know this depends on the company you're working for but I'd be interested to hear your experience with jobs that allowed for more freedom. I hope to be self-employed in some way at some point in my life as I think that is the work with the most freedom but until then I need to work for someone else. So I'm looking for a job that enables me to have enough time and energy to work on a side-hustle that could eventually turn into my main source of income. What kind of job do you have that offers you freedom?


New Nametage

I was given a desk at work about a month ago. Today my coworker gave me a Nametage for the desk. It's a post-it note.


I got written up for something I couldn’t see coming.

I got written up for missing a shift. That seems pretty cut and dry, “You didn't show, so you get a write up.” Problem is, They changed my shift time without warning. Typically, I work 5-Close (11 PM or so.) We have an app that tells us when we are supposed to come in. I glanced over it, saw the 5-X of today and just assumed it was business as usual. I was getting ready for work on Friday, when I get a call. Manager basically tells me that I was supposed to be there at 9:30 AM. With very few exceptions, I've never worked anything that isn't 5-X. The earliest I've worked in a day is 1 PM. I wasn't even awake until 11 or so. (I'm a night owl.) When they hired me, I told them I needed consistency with my shifts, and I thought everything was fine.…


Those damn government handouts