
“We opened the doors, it should be good enough”

This is what my employer just told me after an hour of sitting in my car. After the fire department showed up and evacuated the entire company because our carbon monoxide detector was going off. 10 minutes after we were evacuated, the office staff was sent home. Not my department, not the ones that make the company money. I've worked here nearly 5 years, this is a company I truly thought cared about me and my family. Until today. It's the bottom line, that's what's important.


A glimpse into the realities of the hoarders at the top. Their lives are empty, but if they’d redistribute their ungodly wealth, everyone’s lives would improve, including their own. This system creates shit everywhere it goes.


Aren’t you exhausted too?


To learn that $70K/year salary still isn’t enough for a single person if you don’t want roommates

Honestly, it's really disheartening knowing that I make slightly more than the average salary for a bachelor's degree holder in Los Angeles and I still can't really afford to live by myself, my car, all my expenses, and then save enough to buy a house (or literally any property really), (not to mention grad school student loan debt, feeling like a fool for trying to better myself with more education lol) I really get why people are moving to Texas and just working remotely. Fuck, does it get better with a $80K? I'm trying to figure out a salary that I can live comfortably aka I don't need to feel financially strained living on my own in a one-bedroom. But like the more money I try to make, things just seem to get more expensive comparatively. Truly feel like I'm on a hamster wheel, I can't seem to be making…


Putting “non-unionized environment” under Benefits is some serious gaslighting red flag shit


“sToP letting WOKE activists who HATE you DESTROY America”


Even the muppet gets it


Emailed the recruiter back and told them politely to get fucked.

I recently applied for an email marketing job (sidenote: wow it sucks to be super anti-work and anti-capitalism and have to job hunt at the same time because I still have bills and rent to pay). The recruiter emailed me back a few days later asking me to complete a cognitive and personality assessment, which is an immediate red flag in my books but the company had great reviews on Glassdoor and the salary was amazing so I thought I'd give it a shot. How bad could it be? On page 2 of 28 (!!!) I noped out entirely and emailed the recruiter back to inform them that I would not be completing this asinine assessment because I don't believe my response to prompts like “I am afraid of failure” or “I worry about what people think about me” can tell them anything about my ability to do email marketing.…


Why have we evolved if… (very low effort)


How I left my last job after discussing wage with my new trainee

Important information, I am a female with at the time 12 years of experience and master certifications in my field. I quit a job a few years back. Ran the entire department by myself after my coworker quit when I had only been there for 2 weeks. Was massively overworked. After about 18 months of this I made a design mistake, but it wasn't caught by the sales or production team. Cost my office a bit of money and my boss had to eat some serious shit. So corporate told my manager that they had to hire another person. They said it was not fair or logical that there was only one preproduction person and that no one the other employees could even function as a back up. Manager didn't tell me so that I would think I was getting fired when they started interviewing candidates. So I figured I…