The work is fine, it’s bosses that suck
Been reading this subreddit for a while and the common theme I feel that floats to the top is how humans treat each other. It's not that work sucks, it's that people suck. Perhaps it's warranted to be frustrated with someone. Perhaps there are issues that are happening to you personally, or professionally. If we remember to treat each other well then most of what gets complained about here doesn't happen. This subreddit would be a lot less popular with people treated others with respect, work hard and be there when you need or are needed to be. Of course things come up the prevent our work ethic from being on point or prevent us from being on time, but that's where the respect comes in. Whatever your job is, if your superior treats you with dignity and respect and you return that by working hard and being on time……
First time posting
I work in the maintenance department of a private school. At the beginning of the pandemic we got an email from HR telling all staff they were closing the building, and to stay home My boss texted us and said we are supposed to be there Monday. I emailed HR for clarification on whether or not maintenance has to report to work. They never got back to me. I didn't show up for work Monday since I assumed we weren't supposed to. This was the first day of the nation wide lockdown. My boss called me Monday to ask where I was. The rest of the maintenance staff reported to work. I wasn't coming in. I told my boss about the email we all received from HR, and he told me that HR wasn't my boss… He threatened to take 8 hours of personal time. Which he did. I finally…
The ultimate goal
So we all agree the ultimate goal is a fucking utopia where we don’t have to work. How do we get there? In my opinion it’s through Unions. Currently the working class hero is getting reemed by low wages. While the billionaires get richer off our hard labor we get splattered against the wall. How do we stop this? Unionize. Screw management, screw the billionaires, screw the exploitation. As work becomes less and profitable to them the rate of automatization will increase and eventually labor will become a thing of the past and we can get on with the utopia. Anyway Unionize and screw them. It’s the first true step to antiwork for all
All this for $14/hr
Not only does Starbucks selectively close unionizing stores over the phony notion of covid outbreaks… they also force all non-unionizing stores to stay open IN SPITE of the risks of covid. Its like Starbucks doesn't care about its employees or its customers. Covid-flavored, anti-union, coffee tastes like fascism. No thanks.
Work perks
My employer, a multinational food conglomerate gave us a product labeled T-shirt and baseball hat, with a warm cold cut sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap when everyone complained about our low wages. Thanks *******