
If managers actually felt bad about having to lay a team member off they would find them a job.

The managers probably have business contacts of 100s of managers in the same field because of the business done with these companies as part of their role. I have never once heard of a manger sending out some emails asking if someone can pick up someone they were 'forced' to let go. I have heard a lot of managers say that “if it was up to them” though..


No manipulation, no movement, and being used as a test subject. This robot still managed to be inspired to work, just so heart warming.


Why do so many people get so mad when you are successfully self employed?

People get so mad at me for having my own porn business. They say that I contribute nothing to the US economy, and that my job is worthless, but I payed ~300$ in taxes last year just on my customers from Australia, Canada, and the UK.


Except there is a need for money, Warren


Managers want employees to find coverage when calling out sick

Maybe I’m just lazy, but when I called in sick to my job and the managers asked ME to find coverage. Like what?? You’re the manager- YOU find the coverage. I don’t have the time nor energy to go around annoying all my coworkers about coverage when I’m sick. Last time I had to ask around no one wanted to cover anyways. (I only asked that one time because it was already past the time I could call off anyways so I had no choice) When I first got hired they said the policy was call off at least 4 hours ahead of time if you cannot find coverage so the managers can do what they do. Manage. Should I even bother finding coverage when this happens? Honestly.


The Villagers and the Coal Mine


I had it up to here with my assistant manager today…

I posted this elsewhere but it got removed. I want to share my hellish experience at work today, so I hope this belongs here. So I was scheduled to start at 8:30 AM today, our store opens at nine. I get there two minutes after 8:30 and I wait to be let into the store, and I waited awhile… Usually the assistant manager is already in the store and will let me in once she noticed I’m outside. Ten minutes passed where I’m supposed to be clocked in and I’m still outside, getting annoyed at this point. Twenty minutes pass and I’m about to just straight up leave and go home. After it gets to 9 on the dot, the morning newspaper customers are already lined up outside waiting to be let inside. By this time I had already walked away from the store out of frustration. Two minutes after…



Can anybody point me towards a resource of antiwork style windows wallpapers for my work pc?


Please help me

So I reported my employer to OSHA However in my supervisor role I also received the complaint from osha that I filed What do I do? Tell my boss so he can respond to the complaint (they’ll know it was me) Or just don’t respond and wait for the inspection at which time they could find out I received the complaint and said nothing


Fast food closer tonight

Made the mistake of eating the work’s food for lunch break last night. Paid for it on the toilet all morning. Told work I’d call out for the closing shift tonight. Got an earful from GM for ‘constantly doing this’ like SORRY I work 3 days consecutively each week and the food from night 1 effects me day 2, ya know? I even said in the future after today I’ll be bringing my lunch to work so I don’t eat their food, but DIARRHEA is one of the 6 health issues (Vomiting and a few bacterial infections are the rest like E Coli or Strep) that require you avoid food service for 24 hours, no?? So I’m sick, and calling out 5 hours ahead of shift. Isn’t that policy and health code/law??