
Er, so should I just quit and then reapply?

Manager said the market value of my position has raised since 2017. So people joining in 2022 will be paid the new (higher) rate. While employees who have been in the company and are being paid less will slowly be raised upward to meet the current market value. According to management, all the veterans can't be bumped up at the same time cuz that would cost too much money. Blah blah blah budget bullshit let's save money on all the dumb veterans who choose to stay. Here's the thing, I've been with the company for 5 years and have trained several employees who made way more than me (only discovered this recently, hence this post). Why would I wait around to be bumped up with these shit raises when I could just quit, apply for one of the many open positions at this same place, and get the new market…


$100,000 total in three years! Always wanted to make $33K a year.


How to Support Friends Still Working for an Abusive Employer

For context, I worked for the American Red Cross for two and a half years as a Phlebotimist taking blood donations. I loved the work and I loved my coworkers, but the job was rough, especially during covid. It's well known inside the company that the Red Cross is a great humanitarian organization UNLESS you're one of their employees. As an employer, they are awful. Bad pay, insane hours, deliberate understaffing, shitty managers, the works. When I finally had a gut full, I quit at the same time I sent out a 3800 word email to everyone in the region blasting the company and how it treats its workers. HR made a big show of doing an “investigation,” bit, of course, nothing changed. Well, now the region I worked in is considering going on strike, because when the union came to the table to discuss a new contract, the company…


Can anyone be my reference?

I’m a first year college student applying for jobs over the summer. I’ve never worked before, or have done any sports. I am not close with any of my old club teachers from high school. There’s pretty much no one I can think of who I worked with professionally able to vouch for me. That being said, all of the jobs I’m applying to ask for like 3 references (even if it’s for a barista position or something). Can anyone here be my reference? I’m sure we can make up a role, I’m really desperate since I have student loans lol


Ex CEO of Google thinks we should do things the old way


Complain Here

It’s a Tuesday, so there’s a good chance you worked today, are at work, or have to go in soon. What are you thinking? Feel free to complain, whine, rant, rave, etc about anything below


How Student Workers at Grinnell College Are Winning a Wall-to-Wall Union


Job hunting in the 3rd world is soul crushing

I know the experience is similar all accross the world but being from Central America as the main breadwinner for my small family of 2, dealing with rent, loans and horrible work environment trying to job hunt to improve my life condition is crushing my soul bit by bit. I work in a call center (we dont have much variety of well paying jobs around here) and even though i reached a management position my growth opportunities have been truncated due to shitty structure. This in tandem with a horrible environment thanks to incompetent leadership has me looking for jobs but I cannot apply to pretty much anything locally as i would never get a similar pay to what i have (due to commitments its very unlikely i could take a paycut) and remote options on companies from outside my country set the bar to unreasonable highs even if i…


The reason workers are having trouble getting what they deserve

Is because too many workers imagine themselves as future owners. I realized this when I spoke with a casual friend of mine who is in the Coast Guard. He was opposing worker protections like paid time off, paid sick time, required justifications for firing, and so on. His reason for opposing these things was because 'he' wanted to be able to hire and fire as he liked and that 'if anyone didn't like what he was offering, well they should just go somewhere else'. But he does not have a business. He's full time Coast Guard, he has no plans on starting a business and no skills that would let him start one. When he leaves the CG he'll be a regular employee. But because he imagines 'himself' running things, he's imagining things that serve him better in that scenario. After speaking with countless other conservative opponents of reforming the…


Let me know your thoughts on this urinal literature I found at a commercial bakery