
UK unemployment is falling, but poverty isn’t


Boss underpaid me what was agreed, so I started “accidentally” giving his money away

I work a day job at a local restaurant, a “small” business owned by a family that also owns several other establishments in the area and is incredibly well off. I was promised $16 p/h not counting tips, and am being paid $13.50–which, after asking around, seems to be the case for almost every other server on the job. On top of this, we're constantly being verbally berated by the owners and their family, the kitchen is filthy and dangerous, the tip-out system they use ensures they get away without paying their cooks a living wage, and they're constantly asking us to over-extend ourselves beyond our job descriptions–to which I always say “I don't get paid for that.” I finally snapped when they started threatening me, saying I would have to pay out of pocket if I messed up an order or forgot to charge someone for an item (highly…


European worker

Hello , I've been following this sub for several months and I just wanted to give you another point of view from an other country. I work for a big French company. I work 37 hours a week and not a minute more or i get payed for that. Economic dismissals are prohibited by law in my company, an employee can only be dismissed in the event of individual fault. If a factory or office close , all staff must be reclassified to another unit in the group. I have totally free medical coverage and there are medical offices reserved exclusively for employees with general practitioners and specialists in every big cities. Consultations are completely free and appointments are made within a week, you can even make an appointment during your working time. I have 5 weeks of paid vacation per year with an obligation to take 15 consecutive days…


Dream job, anyone?


How do I professionally say “it’s bullshit that you’re making me work every weekend and giving yourself every weekend off”?

So, I've been working in my position for coming up to s year now. When I interviewed, I was told that in my position (Assistant Manager), weekend work would be minimal. Only a Saturday or Sunday here and there. Coming from a job where weekend work was mandatory, this was music to my ears, and greatly influenced my decision to accept the offer. Since then, however, I've worked at least one day a weekend (usually both), every weekend unless I've booked it off weeks in advance. My manager, the one who writes the rotas, is only scheduling herself in for one or two (usually one) Saturdays a month. How do I professionally let her know that this is no longer acceptable and I need to have at least some weekend off?


How about let them work from wherever they want? Gosh I hate LinkedIn


Management getting worked up over giving out employee handbook

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how crazy this whole situation is. The tldr version: me and my coworker who are both new asked for the employee handbook, my coworker gets pulled into a impromptu meeting with the CEO and controller to ask why she wanted the handbook, later she sends a follow up email for that meeting with our actual boss CC'd which pisses off CEO and he threatens to fire her over it. So some background information first, I recently started a new job a few weeks ago but already want to leave due to crappy management and high school drama in an office setting no less! The first sign something was up was when I interviewed for the job and the interview only lasted 5 minutes and on the drive home I got a call saying I got the job. I was happy but also…


Work Sucks. Here’s The Real Reason Why You Hate Your Job


Why workers in USA don’t vote for Socialist parties?

Hi! I'm not American but judging by this posts, I can see that many people in USA want better working conditions. Why you don't vote for I don't know, new parties that pro-union or something like that. I'm really curious. Thanks you in advance.


I got a 20% raise at work because of my company’s new “employee retention program”

I think this just goes to show how the tides have turned and workers are starting gain more power in the work force. The great resignation has showed employers that they're just as — if not more –replaceable as they've always claimed us to be. The funny thing is I haven't even been at this company for a year. I was going to ask for a 15% raise at my year mark. I also brought up in my end of 2021 year review how I was being paid below market rate for the (multiple) roles I do. Stand up for yourself at work! Make sure your employer knows you can get paid more elsewhere.