
I’m just done

I'm a tradesman and the company I work for that I'm leaving in 2 weeks had record profits last year. We're in a small market (~1 million people) and pulled in over $7 million last year. We are the 7th top franchise in the company while competing with offices in much larger markets. We didn't have a Christmas party last year and got $50 Christmas bonuses in lieu of a party. We were told in November that pay is being restructured because the investors aren't seeing as much of a return as they hoped for. My position is 100% commission. The company already automatically takes almost 20% off the top on jobs as a house fee. So the 25% commission I make is actually only 20% after 1.5x the cost of parts has been deducted. People have been dropping like flies since pay was “restructured.” Now the most we can…


I just left an interview. It pissed me OFF!

First, they asked me if I was married with kids. I raised my eyebrow and said “I’m single…” I was caught off guard. It really rubbed me the wrong way! Whether I’m married with kids or NOT is none of their business. (For the record, I’m single without kids.) Isn’t that a discriminative question? Do they ask that to see if I have other obligations outside of work that would possibly cause me to take off of work? Second, after explaining the importance of communication in their office— the CEO asked me 3x in a row (to which I answered 3x in a row very clearly and concisely!) why I no longer want to work from home and said I’m “crazy because everyone wants to work from home.” So she’s not listening and communication is already failing. It just felt so awkward and unprofessional. Going on interviews is soul sucking.…


City of Northampton MA votes to cancel all student debt


Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s right hand. Incentives work for us, but you need the whip.


Working in higher education is absolutely soul crushing. Almost every position requires a masters degree but pays the equivalent of $15/hr.


I bet customers have gotten mad about this, too


Guaranteed basic income recipients in St. Paul describe how the program changed their lives




My boss forgot to write my paycheck today on payday

I’ve been broke since I lost my previous job and I needed this money to pay off debts. My boss said they’ll pay me tomorrow luckily but I’ve never had a boss just completely forget to write my paycheck. If it happens again I’m leaving this place and finding another job because I can’t be worried about when I’ll get paid.


This OP just wants free labor from his ex wife.