
What’s next?

Got fired 3 weeks ago and decided to move in with family to another state for a bit. I have been a teacher 8 years and I am finally done. The school was awful and I don't have much drive to work right now, is this normal? It's my first time being fired. I am currently working some part time jobs so I can pitch in and pay bills that I owe. I have been working since I was 16 and don't really know what I want to do full time anymore.


I don’t want to go to work tomorrow

I hate people I work with especially the mid manager who sits across the office from me. He is just so ugly inside out, it’s disgusting. He usually uses me for his misogynistic jokes at the work place any opportunity he could have so I don’t talk to him unless work related and he has been asking me to do a lot of bullshits which I don’t know how to deal with. One time he said anyone would dump anything to me and I would have to do it anyway in front of other male workers and they laughed I fucking hated it. Another time was saying that Asians were hot when I was the only fucking Asian female worker at the office. Please help I’ve been repressing all my anger now I can’t anymore I’m tired I’d snap someday in the near future for sure.


the person who’s more or less the acting general manager at my work cut my hours from 5-9 to 5-8. i’m 16, these are the only hours i can work. am i overreacting?


Come work here to not work!


Don’t know whether to go eat here or fill out an application. Both sound amazing!


I have my first job interview in 5+ years tomorrow. What are the best questions to ask at the end of an interview?


Work hard, it will pay off later…this is in Canada


Employers are adjusting pay based on where you live

So I'm a remote worker. Always have been, even pre-pandemic. I always lived in low cost areas so that I could maximize the value of each dollar I made, because I didn't always make what I make now as a remote executive. I'm always looking to change jobs to where the money is, right? Because my skills are in high demand and I'm going to make employers compete for me, just like they used to do to me. Seems fair. Well as the remote work lifestyle becomes increasingly looked at under a microscope for “efficiencies” and “improvements.” Companies are starting to alter how much they offer you based on your fucking zip code. I've seen it in several interviews and in my own company. This is absolute horseshit. If I choose to live in a low cost area, I am making sacrifices for that decision. There's less to do, shittier…


After 3 of the most miserable years of my life, I finally quit my job. I’m shaking.


A long time ago when I still worked as a server my coworker graded our managers psa. If you’re out there girl, text me. The balls you had really helped me in the long run!