
One of the worst part about any job or corporation…if you bring up any legitimate concerns it’s automatically brushed off as complaining

It’s tiresome. You have managers that have truly no clue how front lines processes work, and because of that you end up with ridiculous and unattainable goals , as well as procedures to do things that make no sense. It comes down to management never wanting to take responsibility and pushing any blame for their shitty goals or ideas to the people below them, or them just never being able to fathom they could be wrong.


Carefully, he’s a hero


can a job make you suicidal ?

i started working at 19 after dropping out of school, not to say that i wasn't depressed before that but never suicidal or addicted to any kind of drugs, now alcohol is a must in the weeknd, sleep is impossible without weed and the stress of homelessness being in the corner if i ever lose my job is making me contemplating killing myself and it actually seems like a good idea, i keep fantasizing about ODing on morphine at least 2 times a day, i am only 23 and i feel like i've lived enough,, the most beautiful years of my life were working 9 hours a day a job that doesn't even make any sense, there must more to life than this


Well, I need a new job…

I thought I was finally starting to move up in the world, I wasn’t going to be struggling from pay check to pay check in a miserable workplace anymore. I got hired on the spot for a new job a month ago. Unfortunately, my dick head boss hired two more experienced guys right after me. I got fired yesterday for not being experienced enough, and he claims they won’t be able to trust me fast enough. Sure Carl, whatever helps you sleep at night. I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but I guess we’ll see how much of a labor shortage there really is.


New York’s Mayor Eric Adams orders dismantling of homeless encampments rather than fixing the problem


We’re doing it, guys! Keep it up!!


Why there’s never any reform.


Antarctica’s temperature reached 70°F above its average this month, I think people like us can still make a change.

The top 1% The big monopolies The places we all feel like we're forced to work at or buy products from are the places (and have been as we all know) causing an extreme climate crisis for the life of our planet and on our planet. I posted this like an hour ago and started getting called names and death threats. I didn't come at it very well the first time and didn't realize the way I posted my title sounded like I was saying that the average was now 70°F higher than it used to be. There was a heatwave and during that the temperature made it up to 11°F when it's usually somewhere around -56°F. The coldest place on Earth was about 25°F away from being above freezing. I think we can make a change by voting with our money, buying from the most sustainable places and not…


“What to Do When Employees Ask for a Raise…But Don’t Deserve One | The Hartford” Received today in my work email. Vomit.


I just worked 14 hours, then drove an hour home to get this email as soon as I pull into my driveway

“Good morning [redacted], I am providing you these two pictures to let you know that this does not meet my expectations. We had an entire team of people cleaning the facility yesterday and it is not fair to expect them to clean up after you. We have another set of visitors coming on site this morning and this is quite honestly an embarrassment if they were to see it. We need to change the cultural here in (our facility) that includes holding ourselves accountable to our actions and one of those accountabilities is to clean up after ourselves. I appreciate you as an employee and I am certain that this will not occur again based upon what I know of you. Let's get better and move further down the path of success. Sincerely, District Boss” Let me start by saying, this immediately soured my attitude. I am a pretty great…