
For the last time, I am NOT using my personal social media to sell insurance. I am NOT asking my friends/family if I can quote them, and especially NOT asking strangers in public! I am not sales so stop telling me to sell!

I am a CSR in an insurance office. I have been in insurance for years but this is the first agency where I am being told to go on my Facebook and post things like ”hey friends and family! Let me quote your insurance!” Or “when you hang out with your friends this weekend ask them if you can quote them!” Or ”When you’re out in public, get into conversations with people and ask them.” (That one is a HARD no!) It’s really only one co-worker who’s bad about this. She is not my boss but apparently thinks she is, since our actual boss is hardly ever here. Well, whatever. It won‘t work. I don’t answer to her. I will cross sell to our current clients. That is part of my job description as a CSR. I consider that customer service. BUT, I am not in sales, I am not…


pizza cost more that I make a hour.

I need a better job!


Boss starts taking responsibilities off me to “better the company” after 1 error, screw it I accept.

I've been in my currently place of emoyment for 4.5 years now and have prided myself of taking on whatever boss has given me. Could you arrange this event, never done it but give it a go. Can you make a photo selling system in-house instead of using someone else, I guess I could. I did it. HR has quit, can you do contracts. Yes. Rotas, yep. Interviews, I'll give it a go. Payroll, no problem. Were getting a New booking system, can you set it up and implement it. No problem. I know your childminding today but we have an IT problem, can you come in and fix it. I'll be there in 20 with the kids. I've never complained and always worked hard. Got decent payrises for it too. The last 12 months have been so busy I didn't get to take more than 5 days holiday till…


Lmao wtf am I tripping guys I did a google search and anime p*rn popped up this is a legit company too I legit laughed


We should stop asking for a living wage…

… and start demanding a good one. I appreciate the value and efforts of the Fight for 15 movement, but in the end they were still asking for poverty wages. Any gains made since then have been heavily outweighed by the losses and to most objectors asking for 15 and demanding 30 with strict price controls are no different. So why not aim higher?


DAE hate when coworkers say “Happy Friday”? I want a longer weekend.

My team at work really likes to say “Happy Friday!” every Friday morning. I know they're only being positive and not thinking too much about it, so this isn't anything against them. But we're just powerlessly acknowledging how much we don't want to be working, and how we're looking forward to our meager 2 days a week of break. We already produce more than enough in 4 days. I want a system where we don't ever even think to have cute little greetings to express our collective relief at getting a short f'ing break. I wish I had even the faintest clue of how to organize, in my situation, but I work in IT in a huge company that also has multiple groups that are unionized. Because of that, I feel pretty sure the higher-ups would be extra wary of any attempts and squash it really fast. Feels powerless.


Stop telling your employees how easily they can be replaced.

I'm a long time lurker of r/antiwork. A lot of the stories that make the front page of this subreddit are entertaining to read for sure, but I figured “Ah, this probably doesn't happen as much, they probably just work under a really shitty boss”. Today I had my monthly review meeting with my boss to go over my performance, etc. She brought up some valid points, a bit too much cell phone usage, not enough energy (I had to explain that I'm just not an energetic person in general and to be honest the work I do in my position is really mundane), but overall very constructive criticisms that I need to work on. The meeting was going pretty well. And then she goes, “Obviously, you can be easily replaced, but we want you to grow more because you're young.” My brain immediately shut down. Like quite honestly, I…


Cut this shit out! What’s this have to do with anyone’s ability to work?


Do you feel discriminated against for not having children?

I’m thinking this happens more often than we think. Supervisors think that because you don’t have kids, you have more free time, and therefore you are able to work longer hours, travel for work, etc. It seems like people with children (even if their children are grown) don’t get nearly as much pressure to work overtime. I get it: kids are a lot of work and they take up a lot of time. But does not having kids mean I’m at home bored out of my mind? Maybe instead of going home to my kids, I’m caring for a sick relative. Maybe I have nieces or nephews to take care of. Maybe I have pets. Maybe I volunteer my time. Maybe I’m going on dates so that I one day can have kids. Or….maybe I’m going to the gym or the bar. Either way, is it really in my employer’s…


The concept of “Employee of the month” is a glamourized/labor version of Hunger Games

I never got the obsession of workers/employees being obsessive over wanting their picture to be posted on some lame-ass bulletin board. And I said it's similar to Battle Royal or Hunger Games cause you and your co-workers are fighting against each other on which of you is going to get praised for the next month while rich capitalists/CEOs/top executives are laughing their asses off that they can milk the hell out of workers.