
Are all managers unable to feel EMPATHY? // Story time

I've seen it happen so many times. A worker is promoted to manager and as soon as that happens their mind seem to switch an all empathy for fellow coworkers is gone. All of a sudden they are willing to defend all sorts of weird stuff happening, other managers, budget cuttings, bad laws and policies etc. The same seem to happen when people become rich, but for the sake of keeping it simple let's just talk about the worker – manager dynamic for now. What I don't grasp is what comes first: Is anybody who becomes manager “forced” to turn off their emotions to be able to do their job? Or is it people who already have those traits who grabs the spots as managers? Ok – story time! I think this story is a great example of what I mean: I work at a unit with ~20 other people.…


For the record, there are 168 hours in a week


I just got an awesome job that starts on Monday. What’s the best way to put in last minute notice to my current job?

I've been in training at my current job for the last two weeks and I just got a way better opportunity that starts Monday. I don't have any shifts left until next week and don't really want to go in. Can I do it over email? Or a phone call


The party of telling other people what to do while screaming about not being told what to do.


My never thought my life could be so accurately captured in one meme.


I’m having red car syndrome from this sub. The more antiwork I’m exposed to, the more I notice it. We are not alone.


Boss absolutely did not believe I would actually quit

My job was originally a temporary position meant to end in November, but I agreed to stay on longer since I didn't have anything else lined up at the time. I was very clear that was looking for work, and even told bossman what jobs I was applying for. Up until last week, I was literally the only employee. We now have one other, but ideally would have a crew of 3-4 for the summer. A month or so ago, I had two great interviews for a job, and told my boss this. All he said was, “thank you for telling me.” He still hadn't hired anyone else at this point and was clearly banking on me being there over the summer. Well, finally I got the job (huge pay raise, much easier workload, something actually in my field), handwrote a really kind two-weeks notice, since I mostly did like…


The working class is shamed for eating the food they can afford while food is still not created or distributed equally.


Can’t use the kids excuse

Maybe Millenials don’t like to work because you discriminate us. My co-workers (who are older) always run late because of their kids. Leave early because of their kids and never get in trouble. But me. I run 30 min late because of my mom who needs a last minute ride to the doctor and I get a verbal warning. F*** you. Just because I have no kids and husband does not mean I don’t have family obligations as well. PS I’m the fucking HR Manager


I’m sick.

I'm sick and have one UIA day left FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR. God forbid I call out and not get in trouble past that day.