
Review Time. It’s just a game they play.

Performance Review Time here at work. I was hired about 5 months ago to help a company with a massive Collections portfolio. They have allowed many of their Customer accounts to have tons of claims and deductions and stay unresolved for years. Pricing claims, shortages, Allowances for advertising, etc….some of them from 2018 and 2019!!! This is considered to be very poor management in any Accounting company, as the aged portfolio is very bad. For example, if they wanted a loan from the bank, the bank would review their Receivables and see this aged bullshit and not loan to them. This is also called the DSO, or “Days Sales Outstanding”. DSO industry standard is normally 20% or less of total volume is aged. This company had accounts that were 65%, 75% and up to 85% volume is over 120 days old! They hired me and in less than 5 months…


Manager asked me to take my food bank appointment “over Zoom”

I've been working at least 30 hours a week as a “casual employee” covering dozens of shifts since I started this job about two months ago. I am one of the few people who actually cleans the store as well. A few days ago I asked my manager if he could help me by moving my shift up by one hour so I could ensure I was on time for work after my monthly food bank appointment. He then asked me if I could take the appointment over Zoom while working. I explained to him essentially what a food bank is and his response was, “don't they deliver?” Yesterday I had an interview at another store in the same industry that was for a full time position at the same rate I'm paid now. Sincerely hope it goes through, fingers crossed. If I am hired I definitely will not be…


It’s only fair


Wow. This phrases pissed me off ever since I fucking heard it. how in the fucking hell is anyone supposed to be happy while poor and struggling? Is that happiness?!?!?! Tbh, I’d rather wipe my depressed tears with 100$ bills in a BIG AS FUCKING MANSION, who else feels the same?


for real


Curious about the mentality

Getting paid for work is a reflection of your success in creating value for other people. The person who has picked your strawberries, built your car , or electrified your house did so not because they were kind to you, but because they wanted to get something in return for their labors. They did something of value to you and you gave them something of value in return. Everything, absolutely everything that you value in your lives, was created for you by other people. I get the fact that you wish you earned more money. What that really means is that you wish you had skills that other people valued more. If money is a goal, learning accounting is better than sociology, or engineering instead of poly sci. Perhaps you should spend 10,000 hours reading and writing and writing 60 books until you succeed in writing one that someone wants…


Am I getting fucked?

My job hired last year at GS-05/GS-06. Full promotional potential GS-07. They got 3 out of 5 vacancies filled. One joined very briefly and quit in two week. The other quit recently. We have 4 personnel. They have released the announcement again but this time they changed it to GS-06/07. It’s basically my announcement with a higher starting GS. My question is should I receive an automatic bump up to 6 despite the 52 week TIG or does the TIG fuck me? This is what Position description says. Statement of Difference for Career Ladder (Developmental) Position The incumbents of PDs P920024 (GS05) and P920025 (GS-06) serve in a developmental capacity performing under closer than normal supervision. The incumbents will typically be assigned the full range of major duties descriptors in the full performance PD, P920026, of limited size or complexity and will thereby gain on-the-job training to prepare them to…


Anti-work Dating

So, we all know that someone's career, wealth and job prospects is one of the things everyone gets assessed on when they date a new person. Unfortunately, due to the world we live in people often have to make relationship choices based on cold economics than their true feelings. In light of this, how would you negotiate the dating market while Anti-work? How do you explain that you prefer to live frugally and have more free time/not have to be abused by a sociopathic manager. How to avoid expensive dates and gifts in favour of cheaper options without seeming tight-fisted or like a loser? Should I just accept that as long as I am anti-work, I can expect to be single? Thanks.


Former Unifor boss Jerry Dias accepted $50,000 from supplier of COVID-19 rapid-test kits, union alleges


Anybody knows the HR-tool “One Conversation”? Company who provides this? It is used to sort employees in case you want to find out which one you offer a termination agreement.
