
By working a day less, you gain 50% more weekend while only handing in at most 20% of your income. Does anyone else look at it that way?


If this ain’t the song of the bourgeois, I don’t know what is. “I GET to be exploited. I GET to be dehumanized. I GET to ruin my mental health.” #blessed


HR does not serve the workers


How do you act busy at work?


Inflation Rate Forecast | Kiplinger


Watched Severance on apple Tv?

Seems like a lot of anti-work colloquy…. “Work is bullshit”- Helly


Availability issues

I do photography as a part time gig, hoping to work towards full time in the future but who knows how long that will take so I’m currently slowly building up clientele on my Fridays through Sunday’s. I went back to a former job a few weeks ago and they rehired me on the availability that we discussed Monday-Thursday, while Friday and weekends I am unavailable. Today I’ve been asked to change my Friday’s off to Monday’s and also a guy who helps run the company took jabs at me stating that I should completely remove my day of unavailability and give them my Friday’s and instead focus on my photography just on weekends which wasn’t the agreement upon being hired. the guy is super narcissistic and selfish and I’m not sure how to approach this situation as I finally found a side hustle that makes me happy and set…


did you get treated differently during prohabtion period?

So I'm working at a warehouse now, and my supervisor seems to treat me different from everyone else because I'm on prohibition period. So today, I saw everyone leave their parts of where they worked in the warehouse, and thought, oh okay….everyone has finished so I'm done too? And it made sense because when I was training, the lady who trained me allowed me to leave 8 minutes early. So I sat down today, 8 minutes early, with my supervisor starring at me hard. I was thinking ughhh what have I done now? so I ignored her. She then asked me why I'm not in the warehouse cleaning and I told her because everyone has left, and so I thought that everything was just finished as I previously just went to the toilet before I went back upstairs. She then says to me “you are on probation period, and just…


Won’t help me out? Fine, I’ll just indefinitely change my availability

A few months ago my cousin who I haven’t seen in person for almost a decade told me he would be visiting my state. We made plans to meet up and I requested a specific day off. Flash forward to a week and a half ago after confirming our plans, I checked my day off requests and saw that I had somehow requested the wrong day off. I went into work and spoke to the manager who makes the schedule and she told me to text her the day I actually needed off so I just did that. Well, the schedule was published and surprise surprise, I’m scheduled for the day I said I couldn’t work. I spoke to the general manager and she told me to find someone to cover the shift which, yeah no sh*t, I was already doing. Other than that she offered no help. The manager…


I don’t respect criminal justice for petty theft.

I think low paying employers should face jail time for stealing the value of our labour. Up to 6 months in county jail. I'm not kidding. If people would rather steal basic needs because jobs aren't worth the pay there should be jail time.