
Convince me to leave my POS job! Can’t stand it anymore.

I’m seriously considering putting my notice at the end of this month. Not only am I extremely undervalued, but they also don’t let me make any decision whatsoever. Now it’s important to say that I’m not the type of employee that fucks up frequently, if I were they wouldn’t have “promoted” me. And I say “promoted” because they formally offered me a key account management position, however I just heard yesterday that I might not get the promotion, as in my title won’t change, but my activities will. They said they’re negotiating with HR a raise, but that it might not be what I expect. This is ridiculous, my $$ is already way below market, and now they won’t even pay me properly for a KAM position?! Now the catch: I recently purchased a house, I’m paying for it, but if I quit there are no guarantees I’ll find another…


I’m taking an economics class in high school and apparently having clothes is a “want” and is “unnecessary”


Remote work has made me realize how much stress I put on myself mentally to “mask”.

I’m autistic and truth be told, being in social environments stressed me out ever since I was in high school. I struggled with socializing and had panic attacks through college and when I went into the work office. My previous two jobs I was constantly harassed and treated like an idiot by my superiors. Being in an environment with constant exposure to noises made me go to the bathroom and cry cause it was to much for my brain. I’m sorry for sounding like a baby and I can understand that not everyone can deal with autistic people. I had to learn how to mask in public to not worry people about my behavior. Working from home full time and my manager telling me I’m doing an fantastic job made me realize how much stress I put on my brain to fit in. I don’t enjoy the company of people…


First interview while unemployed

Interviewer basically checked all the red flags, asked me if I had kids, specifically to see if I'd be available on a whim…on the best part was being required to tattle on other co-workers, who mind you they have alot of who don't work because if the job doesn't get done…we both get blamed. Cool, supervise your own employees.


from my friend, at the end of a 24hr shift


Corporate America

Something that never fails to wear me down the second I put too much thought into it is how ridiculous corporate America is. Almost every single job I’ve worked has the same structure I’m surprised I haven’t been driven insane for how repetitive it is. The bottom tier workers, who shoehorn the labor, who generate the revenue, are at the mercy of the higher ups, Who sit in offices all day looking at sheets of paper with numbers on it. Then they, who make well over 100k a year, get to debate and bicker on if we should be paid enough to afford basic living necessities. The cost of living has vastly outpaced the wages yet still, we wait. We wait for months and months for corporate to decide. While our bills pile up, our workload increases, and the value of our wage continues to shrink as the cost of…


I was stone walled by the hiring team for over 6 months. But now I am being spammed daily multiple times by multiple “Talent Acquisition Lead” members from the team. More context in comments


Pushy recruiting emails

Is it just me, or do these kinds of pushy recruiting emails rub other people the wrong way too? The very sales-y phrasing of “you will do blah blah” just comes off as so creepy and overlord-y. Sorry buddy, I'll do whatever the fuck I want – and that includes not working for people who try to manipulate me with directives and boss me around before we even meet.


Poor Deluded Man


How to bypass drug Tests?

Just got my first job (19) and they say they'll be doing random drug tests but I'd like to microdose psilocybin and other psychedelics for my mental health without getting fired. What can I do?